Online Tests & Assessment FAQs

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What tests will my child be required to take?

MVCA students are required to take the following tests:

  • Course lesson assessments
  • Course unit assessments
  • Semester assessments
  • Literacy screening for early elementary students
  • Diagnostic and formative assessments to measure growth and mastery of grade level standards
  • Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP) or MI-Access (alternate assessment, as applicable) for students in grades 3–8, 11, and eligible 12:
    • Math and Reading (grades 3–8)
    • Science (grades 4, 7 and eligible 12)
    • Social Studies (grades 5, 8, 11, and eligible 12)
  • PSAT: English Language Arts (grade 8)
  • PSAT: Mathematics (grade 8) 
  • M-STEP: Science (grade 8) 
  • M-STEP: Social Studies (grade 8) 
  • PSAT 9 and PSAT 10 for students in grades 9 and 10
  • Michigan Merit Exam (grade 11 and eligible 12), which consists of the SAT, WorkKeys, and M-STEP

 Will my child have to participate in state testing?